
Save Fuel

Future Visibility

Save Time

Improve Profitability

Reduce Emissions

High Agility

Product Brief

PlanOpt generates optimal production plans for multi-product, multi-stage systems considering raw material availability product characteristics, workforce skill, environmental and social impact while maximizing your profits.

Route Optimization

Maxime profits

Minimize cost

Smooth workforce

Maximize customer service level

Minimize inventory holding cost

Minimize carbon footprint

Maximize your social impact

Manage your assets by:

Raw material availability

Using accurate forecasts

Better workforce planning

Optimal inventory profiles

Manage your production capacity by:

Increased profits

Reduced costs

Higher capacity utilization


Increases revenue from production activities

Optimizes production / manufacturing costs

Manages workforce profile considering seasonal variations. Increases customer service level

Makes financial plans for operational expenses Increases energy efficiency and reduces the environmental effect

Increases employee satisfaction and engagement

Creates realistic plans using stock levels, raw material, and production characteristics

User-friendly interface with customized installation to your needs

Integrates with all your supply chain operations

Product Functionality

Real-time and dynamic traffic data

Different vehicle types and capacities & optimal loading plan for vehicles

Different fleet capacity metrics

Delivery time windows for pickup and delivery

Time windows for vehicles

Route Optimization2

Via delivery time windows, we provide:

Higher on-time production

Reduced backlogs

Reduced carbon footprint


We have tested PlanOpt in several industries with diverse restrictions & requirements

We developed PlanOpt and it is continuously updated with our research & innovation